Complain Less... Give More
I just received an e-mail that seems to put some things in perspective. I know it has nothing to do with abortion, but you could argue that it has everything to do with a Pro-Life stance. Right now, my wife and I are looking for a house. We already have what we need. We have enough rooms for everyone, plus an extra one for our computers, yet there is the need to have more. The house isn't in the most respected area of town, but it's a nice neighborhood. Yet, it's amazing to think that we're looking at houses that are 3 times the price of our current house. Many in other countries would consider our current house to be a mansion. We even had a girl selling door-to-door recently who was amazed that we were able to have a house that nice when we were so young. And we're looking to upgrade! Why do we do it? It's our culture; it's how we were raised. I feel like I can somewhat justify the need to move because I expect my family to grow and in this country, most children have their own rooms. I feel that I should give my family the best, while at the same time teaching them to give to those less fortunate.
I'll let the pictures below give the more powerful part of my talk. They may be hard to look at and they may not even be grammatically correct, but they are powerful.

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